Monday, December 17, 2007

Baby Name Ideas

A couple of days ago, Kai yelled in to me from the other room where he was playing with Carter, "If we have a boy, we should name him Santa Claus. Carter wants to."
Then Carter piped in,"Yeah, liddoe baby anta cuash" (translation: "little baby Santa Claus"--with Carter lately everything that is at all small is described as "liddoe baby . . .")
Then Kai said, "And if it’s a girl we’ll just name her Mrs. Claus."
I guess that makes our job easier. :)

Kai likes to rock

We were eating lunch and Kai was singing, “Santa Clause is coming to town . . .” then he says, “Mom, let’s rock this house with that song.”
That may have come from the fact that he really loves the Bruce Springsteen version of that song and always asks me to play it again when we hear it on the radio.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Nice Try

Max's latest excuse for doing things he's not supposed to do is, “Well, Ella's teaching me how.”, or “Ella taught me how to.”

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Don't You Wish...

We were at a park in St. George today and there was a label on the playground that said “Max systems.” Max said, “It says M-A-X! That must mean it's my park, Mom and Dad!”

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

(not so) Sneaky Max

A few weeks ago, Max found some scissors in our drawer in the kitchen. Ella was asleep and I was sitting on the couch. Max looked at me and said, “Mom, do you want to take a nap? Mom, go take a nap in your room!”. So I said, “Why Max?” and he said, “I want to play with these scissors.”

Later on, I helped him with the scissors because I wanted to see what he wanted to do. He went straight to the garage (as if he had been planning it for a while) and he got out Cory's electrical tape. Then he cut three long pieces and put them on the railings of the stairs down into the garage. (On the vertical parts, so there were three vertical black stripes in a row.) Then he did the same thing on the other side of the staircase. He told me they were “sounds.” It took me a while, but I finally figured out that it was from Blues Clues. Steve drew a symbol representing a sound in the Handy Dandy Notebook that looked just like that. I thought that was pretty clever.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ella and Max

This first one happened way back in June, but no one else is posting, so here goes:
A few weeks ago, Ella was in our bed in the morning and Max came in right after he woke up. She looked over at him and then she took her binky out of her mouth and handed it straight to Max. He usually steals it out of her mouth, so I guess she just thought she would save him the trouble.

Yesterday, Max and Ella got in their first "real" fight. It was so cute; I was trying so hard not to laugh so I could try to break it up. It started when Ella knocked over some blocks that Max had spent a long time building. Max got really mad and started crying. I could tell he wanted to hit her, but he knows that's not okay, so he grabbed a plastic spoon and was poking her arm with it. Then he tried to head butt her, but didn't really have much success. At the same time, Ella was hitting him over and over with all the force a 15-month-old has. They were both crying and very mad. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Couple of Max Stories

A few days ago we got some shoes in the mail for Ella. They had some strings on them holding them together. Max got the scissors and while he was helping me cut the strings he said, “It won't be long now, Ella.”

I often talk to Max about things he did when he was a baby so that he doesn't feel left out when I praise Ella for learning something new. A couple of days ago, Max started a conversation by saying, “When I was a baby and Ella was a big boy . . .”
I think it's cute that Max can't imagine our family without Ella!
(I think he sometimes thinks all babies are girls, so it makes sense that he thinks Ella must have been a big boy. It also makes sense why he doesn't quite understand why he won't be a girl when he grows up.)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

No self-esteem issues here!

This morning Xan was listening to a Laurie Berkner song (on a kids show) where they said "You're not perfect, no you're not." Xan turned to me and said in a kind of sad/worried voice, "Mom, they said I'm not perfect, but I am perfect!"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Just like Xan

Max has asked me a few times, "Mom, does kids and germs go hand in hand?"

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Too much TV?

Today I told Xan thank you for helping me and he said "it was my pleasure!" Then later I put his stool up to the counter so he could see what I was doing, and he said "That's too close for comfort!" and he moved it away a little. When I asked him where he learned those phrases, he gave me his usual answer anytime I ask him where he learns things. He said "I learned it from school that's by the Daybreak gym, but we haven't learned about airplanes yet."

Monday, August 27, 2007

Funny Xan

A few days ago Xander handed me his big Lightning McQueen and asked me to dry it. I asked him how it got so wet and he said "I bless-you'd all over it!"

Lydia, too

When I was at Steinbergs' a few days ago, Lydia and I had this conversation:
Lydia: Our house is too old.
Me: Are you too old?
Lydia: No.
Me: Are you too young?
Lydia: No. I'm two and a half.

She seems to be a punster already!

G'ma Brown

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Deep thought from Max

A few weeks ago, Max asked me, "Mommy, are you happy and you don't know it?"

Monday, August 13, 2007

Funny day

Today, Xander was having me sing him lullabies while he was pretending to sleep, then he would sing them back to me so I could sleep. When he was singing "Rock-a-bye Baby", at the end he said "and down will come Mommy, into my heart." (I usually sing "into my arms" instead of "cradle and all", I think it sounds much nicer and less violent :) )

Then later, while I was going to the bathroom, Xander walked by and saw me and said "you need a magazine, I'll go get you one." He learned that from Jeff, I've seen Xander a few times sitting on the toilet reading one of those inserts that come in the inside of his DVD's, and Jeff told me that's what Xan went downstairs to find for me to read.

Cailia, Xander, and I were sitting on the back porch watching Jeff mow the lawn today, and Cailia kept pointing at our neighbor's dog really excitedly and saying "tchee", and then growling. I wasn't sure what she was pointing at, so I asked her where Honey was (that's the dog's name), and she'd point right at her. Then I'd say "what does the doggy say?" and she'd growl every time! I think she thinks all animals growl, cuz she was doing that with every animal we saw at the zoo too.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Kai the artist

Kai was drawing a picture of me and told me, "I'm making you what you were when you were my real mom, with long hair". Apparently without long hair, I'm not his real mom. :)

Friday, July 13, 2007

He sees right through me!

A couple of weeks ago Cory and I went to the temple while our neighbors watched the kids. On our way back we picked up some food from a drive-thru. While we were at our neighbors' house picking up the kids Max said, “Mom, next time stay here.” (Meaning he didn't want me to leave him.) So I said, “But Max, Mommy and Daddy wanted to go to the temple.” Then he said, “No. You went to a restaurant.” (And to think we tried to give him the old “going to the temple” line.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Xan at church

Yesterday at church, Jeff had to take Cailia to the back of the chapel because she was crying and Xander followed them back there. He started running circles around Jeff and Jeff told him he needed to be reverent. Xander asked "Is being reverent being bored?"

Then in nursery we were talking about families and one of the kids asked if he had a dad, and I told him yes, everyone in the room has a dad. Xander said, "I don't have a dad, I just have a father." Then later he said, "I'm just kidding, I do have a dad."

Another cute thing at church yesterday, Xander seems to be the little nursery stud. When we first came into Sacrament meeting, a cute little girl that lives by us saw him come in and yelled "Xander!" really excitedly, and ran up to say hi. Then in nursery, we have 2 little girls in there who both always want to play with Xander and sit by him. One of them was really flirting with him yesterday, and when her dad came to pick her up, she said bye to Xan at least 10 times. It makes me smile to see other little girls love him as much as I do. (These were the 3 girls that were at his birthday party)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Xander's Interpretation

Today I was asking Xander if he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich (without the cheese), and I thought he told me "yeah, I want a boiled cheese sandwich!" I thought it was kinda wierd that he got boiled from me saying grilled, but you never know what kids are going to hear. Then later I heard him talking about it some more, and I realized he was saying "boyd cheese sandwich", cause he thought if Cailia and I eat girld cheese sandwiches, he must eat boyd cheese sandwiches!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Max is officially smarter than I am.

A few days ago we were driving and we passed a big bus. I said, “Max look at that bus! There's lots of kids in that bus.” Then Max said, “Lots of kids? Are there any daddies on that bus?” and I said, “No. Just kids.” Max replied, “Is a kid driving that bus?”

Then today I was baking some cupcakes for my neighbor. Max asked me if the stove was on and I said "Yes." He asked me a few more times and I said "Yes" every time. (I realized later he was giving me the opportunity to think about my answer.) Then he said, "Mom, it's not the stove, it's the oven."

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Diego on being sick

Last week Diego got a mosquito bite on his shin. A few days later his entire lower leg was swollen, from his knee halfway down his foot. Joe and I were talking about it, and were a little worried, so we decided I should call "ask a nurse". Diego picked up on it, and kept reminding me to call. While I was on the phone he asked, "Mommy, I'm sick huh, my leg is sick huh?" As soon as I hung up with the nurse Diego said "Ok, now we have to get popsicles and drinks and everysing." As soon as I was able to stop laughing I explained that because it's his leg that's sick, and he doesn't need his leg to swallow, he can still eat normal stuff. Poor kid, he was so excited to be sick! He did get a lot of attention and treats anyway, of course.

Other Diego abbreviations

Diego loves strawb's on his cereal. And he loves to drink roob (root beer).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Max's sense of humor

Today we were in the car and Ella was wearing Max's sweatshirt so it was really big and her arms were way inside the sleeves. Ella had been sleeping, and then when she woke up, Max looked at her and said, “Ella Bobby! You lost your arm! You're never going to see it again!”

Monday, June 18, 2007

hip little guy

Diego likes to shorten words lately, I guess he's picked up on how we do that sometimes. His latest is fragile. He just told me (while playing with his monster trucks) "I have to tell Xan these are frag (fraj), so we don't break them."

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cory's attempt at sex ed.

A couple of nights ago, I was putting Max to bed and he said, “Mom, you're a nut.” I kind of laughed and said, “Yah. I'm a nut.” Then Max said, “Mommy's a nut and Daddy's a bolt.” Cory and Max had been working on our fence gate earlier that day so I guess Cory saw it as a good teaching opportunity.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Spotty the Dog

Kai likes to pretend he's a dog and his name is Spotty the Dog. Sometimes he's "Spotty the meeny miney (aka teeny tiny) dog just this big" (holding his fingers up about a half inch apart). When he talks he'll say, "this is how I say, 'I want to go hiking today: woof woof (in a high-pitched voice)'". He does this for everything he says when he's a dog. ("this is how I say, 'I want some Little Einsteins cereal in the family room with no milk: woof woof woof woof' . . . this is how I say thanks, 'woof'").

Yesterday, he was being a dog and I told him it was time to go and to get some shoes on. He came crawling out of his room with his shoes on and with another pair of shoes on his hands. Carter likes to imitate him and be a dog too, so he got out a pair of "front paw shoes" and crawled around too. It's always nice when they play well together.

Be careful what you say

Xander was playing peek-a-boo with Cailia on our bed and he was hiding under a blanket when she climbed on top of him. He pulled the blanket down and said "whoa, Cailia! You scared the crap out of me!"

Xander's latest phrase he keeps saying is "What the" or "what the heck!" Barb, the first one reminds me of Jen Minnich :)

A few more Xander stories

A few days ago Xander and I were outside painting (I'm painting a shelf for Cailia and he likes to help by painting the cardboard I'm using to protect the garage floor and getting paint all over both of us). He went over on the lawn to play and dig in the dirt, but then the sprinklers came on, which he is terrified of. He started screaming as loud as he could and tried to run to get out of them, but he couldn't see much because of all the water, so he ended up running through the longest way possible. He also lost his flip flop half way through and had to go back to get it (another thing he flips out about), so by the time he finally got out of the sprinklers, he had water pouring down his head into his face and he was soaked! And very upset about it. Jeff ran outside thinking he'd been hurt, then when he saw how wet he was he quickly figured out what happened and started laughing. It was really sad, but cute too, and I think he's actually a little less scared of sprinklers now.

For some reason, Xander gets wedgies all the time, especially in his carseat. He calls the weegies though, so now we do too so he doesn't learn the right way cuz I love that. Lately though he's been shortening it, and every once in a while he'll yell from the back seat "I have a weege!" Jeff and I are usually laughing too hard to help him.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What some of us would like to hide

The other day we were talking about camouflage and Kai said, "If I wear camouflage underwear then no one will notice it's a bum, right?"

Monday, June 11, 2007

Funny Danny story...

...from last year. (I was hoping Liz would post it, but she hasn't yet and it's too good to waste! It's not as good 3rd person, but I'll try any way.)

Tyson was taking Danny to the bathroom in a public restroom in Yellowstone. It was a really gross and stinky bathroom. While in there, Danny asked Tyson, "We don't lick these toilets, huh Dad?" Surprised, Tyson responded, "No Danny, we don't lick any toilets." To that Danny said, "Oh. I do. I lick the toilets at home because they're cold."

Thursday, June 7, 2007


I just got Max a drink of water and left the room. When I came back in the kitchen, he said, "This water is de-lick-ish!"

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I love how kids interpret things

Today after Max and Cory got out of the shower, I told Max I would help him get dressed. He said he wanted Daddy to help him (as always). Then he said, "But first he has to put on his Garlic Undies." (Garment undies.)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Donut Ding has another pal

Xander has an imaginary friend too. His name is zip-eh-AY-eh. He first started saying Zipehayeh when he first started learning to sing songs but didn't know the words, then in the past few months, that became his imaginary friend. As we asked him more about this friend, we found out he was a little animal the size of a fly, that flies around and comes with us whenever we go somewhere in the car. He got Zipehayeh at a Zipehayeh store (of course) which is usually somewhere in our house, and he bought one for Jeff, Cailia, and me at the store. He also scares away monsters for Xander at night when he's scared.

I already wrote about some of the jokes he likes to tell, but there's a new one that I probably can't write well enough to get the full effect, but I'll try. "A horse walks into a bar and the bar falls on his head (while bonking himself on the head with his hand) and he hurts himself... WHY THE LONG FACE!"


This is from Cathy, I thought I'd post it for her:

Here's a funny thing I heard Lydia say last night. She had been asking me to read her piles of books all day (as usual) and last night she brought a paper to me and asked me to write Lydia "Steinbook"! I had never noticed her pronunciation of our last name before! It certainly is appropriate for her!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

one more...

Every time Diego finds money he yells "cash back!" and puts it in his pocket.


Diego just informed me that Donut Ding went home. I asked where he lives, and he said "far-o-far away in Germany!" Keep an eye...or ear...or 6th sense out for him Jen. :)

Monday, May 28, 2007

Jiminy Cricket has a new pal

I forgot about this blog! So I'll try to catch up on a few cute and funny things about D and E:

I know a few of you had imaginary friends, but I don't remember having one myself. Diego has had one for a while now, I think since we moved in here. It's fun to see how he plays with his "friend", and to remember Shelly playing with Jiminy Cricket. Especially because he came up with it all on his own. Diego's friends name is Donut Ding. Every few weeks Diego announces "Donut Ding is here!" Then for the rest of the day he tells me when Donut Ding needs food or toys (generally things Diego wants more of for himself :).) They've been playing Blue's Clues together today.
Yesterday Diego told me he wanted to make Jell-o cookies. I laughed and asked him how to make them. He said (with huge hand actions and lots of jumping) "first you mix it up all together, then you toss it in the air, then you put it in a pan, then you cook it."
Eva took about 3 steps last Wednesday, and has been doing more every day. I love those wobbly first steps. She's the type that tries to get as many steps in as fast as she can before she falls. I think she's up to about 7 now. It's so exciting, but a little bittersweet. I miss my baby, especially because she's always been so eager to grow up. I used to think she looked just like Joe's family, but she's getting curls in back and I think she looks like some of Liz's baby pictures.
Sarah (landlord upstairs) told me yesterday that their hometeacher (also in our ward) was talking to them about Eva (not realizing we lived downstairs). He told them he normally doesn't think he wants another baby, but every sunday when he sees that baby up front with the dark brown eyes and big smile he starts to get "baby hungry." It's so fun to have a beautiful baby who makes everyone at church smile! (I know you all know what I'm talking about!)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Xander's Jokes

A few days ago, Xander told me he loved me, so I said "I love you too." Then he thought for a minute and said "I love you three!" with a big grin. I laughed and told him that was a good joke. He realized it gets a good reaction, so he says it all the time now (along with a few other jokes we've taught him), so Jeff said it back to him and he said "That's my joke, Daddy. Get your own jokes!"

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sassy Max

Today I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. As I was making them, I was telling Cory about how Mom used to get out the cutting board and line up the bread slices to make 5+ at a time. I said, "It's pretty crazy." A couple of minutes later, when we were still talking about sandwiches, Max said, "Your mom's crazy." (Sorry, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!)

A few minutes ago, Max was sitting up to the bar eating a snack. I decided to sit down next to him. As soon as I sat down he looked at me and said. "That's Clifford's seat. Move it Mom!"

Friday, May 11, 2007

Xander's Nicknames

This isn't so much a funny story about Xander, as the latest list of the nicknames he has for me. He calls me Mom or Mommy from time to time, but a few months ago he started calling me Kristi (as most 2 year olds eventually try out). Then I told him my full name was Kristina, so he started calling me Kristinina (not a typo). Then one day he asked me if I was Mimi, and not knowing what he meant, I said "Yep, I'm Mimi." So now he calls me Mimi all the time too, although I still don't know what that means, and I'm not sure he does either. Then a couple days ago I guess he heard Jeff call me Babe-eh (I don't know how you would really spell that), and now he calls me that too. It's so funny to hear him yell that when he's calling for me. He's such a funny kid.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Funny Josh Quote

Today Josh, Bekah and I were in the pediatrician's office. I asked another mom in the office how old her daughter was. She responded that she was 21 months old. Then Josh asked me how old Bekah was and I told him she's 26 months old. To which he replied "Yeah, but in real life she's 2."

Another one from a while ago:
Josh and Caleb were eating muffins and Caleb started making a mess with the crumbs. I told him, "Caleb, use your head!" A few minutes later when Josh was done, I asked him if he was finished and he said "Yes, but I didn't use my head, I used my hands." joshua. (He just typed his name for fun.)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Max's honesty

For the last couple of months, Max has been getting up early. Since Cory is usually getting ready for work, he lets Max get in the shower with him so I can sleep in a little longer. This morning though, Max was busy playing with his toys when Cory was ready to get in. When Cory asked if he wanted to get in, Max said, "No. That's not fun for me any more."


I usually sing songs to Max before he goes to bed. A couple of weeks ago I went in his room to sing him songs and he told me he didn't want me to sing, but he wanted me to "just talk." I asked him what he wanted me to talk about and he couldn't really think of anything. So I suggested Nephi. I started by saying, "Nephi was a good boy, huh Max." And he said, "Yah. He didn't scream and he didn't go pee pee in his pants." (Obviously the things Max has been struggling with.)

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Carter's silent protest

Nate and I always go in and peek on our boys when they're asleep, right before we go to bed. Last Thursday they'd had a bit of a rough time going to bed (kept turning on the light and jumping on their beds, etc.) and Nate had to go in and discipline them. We were both sort of feeling bad about it when we went in to check on them, but discovered that Carter has his own way to protest the "Mom & Dad regime": he was deep asleep and completely naked! He was lying modestly on his side so only his bum was showing and his pajamas and diaper were dropped to the side of his bed. I guess he showed us! What he doesn't know is that I thought it was so cute, I couldn't help but take a picture. (Mom & Dad regime= 1, Carter= 0) Boy, he'll love it when he's 16 and we pull that out and show it to his dates.

Kid Quotes

From Kristi:

I have a funny Xander story that just happened a few minutes ago. Jeff's dad was here and gave us some money to take the kids out to do something fun. I was telling Xander some of the fun things we could do and I said we could take you to Jungle Jim's or that Kagaroo place in Orem (a new kids place with tons of bouncy toys to jump and slide on), and Xander said, "Or you could buy me a Kangaroo!"

I have a funny one that Xan said a couple weeks ago though. One morning he woke up crying so I went in to see what was wrong. When I asked him, he said crying "I heard someone say Quack! And that maked me sad." Then he thought and cried a little more and then said "Maybe it was a duck." It was so hard for me to be understanding and console him without laughing!

From Liz:

So here are a couple that I remembered about Tori. I should warn you the second one's a bit graphic. A week ago Sunday we were sitting on one of the side benches in Sacrament meeting and Tori kept standing up on the hymn books in the holders in the bench in front of us and I kept telling her to get down. Then she started to climb up on the molding on the wall next to us looking for a spot to put her hands so she could keep climbing up. I pulled her down and told her that I think it makes Jesus happy when we sit quietly in Sacrament meeting and she grinned and said "No, Jesus wants me to climb!"

Yesterday Tori was wearing underwear in church for the first time. Tori was sitting there in Sacrament meeting kind of feeling her underwear and said excitedly to me (and not quiet enough) "Mom, there's a hole in my bum!" I immediately got out a wipe to clean her finger and she started saying (not quiet enough) "there's not poop on my finger!" over and over again, as I turned very red.

From Barb:

Here's one that Kai said today. He was helping me puree strawberries for fruit leather and as I was handing him strawberries, he was moving his hands up and down like he was juggling something invisible while he sort of chanted/sang, "spiders juggaling juggaling juggaling, spiders juggaling juggaling . . . ". (I spelled that how he pronounced it, instead of how it should be spelled) I asked him where he heard that and he said he just made it up, then he told me, "spiders juggle when no one's looking."

From Rob:

Ryan has been asking many questions recently about what things are appropriate to do on the Sabbath. My simple answer has been that we go by the guidance of the Spirit. Now he is asking me how I feel inside about various activities. Recently, after asking about biking, I told him we should seek activities that help us serve and remember the Savior. He asked, "What if we put a picture of Jesus on my bike?"

And From Me:

Okay, so this one isn't as funny for Max as it is embarassing for me. Yesterday I had a shower at my house for Cory's brother's fiancee. So I was cleaning the house all day. When I started mopping the kitchen floor, Max looked at the mop and said, "What's that, Mommy?". I know, pretty sad. What can I say? I hate mopping.

A couple of weeks ago, we told Max he could have some peaches. After a couple minutes of eating, he asked, "Where's the shiz?" (Peach-Shiz.)

Today Max was playing at the kitchen sink. He was leaning over, looking down the drain and he asked, "Is that the water treatment facility?" (A while ago he asked where the water goes after it goes down the drain and we explained the whole process to him.)

Kid Quotes

Another Max story, as told by Cory:

Max and I were working in the backyard with our Chinese neighbor, "Gary." Gary doesn't speak much english, so I tried some Chinese - "Nee-How-Mah?' (how are you) was the only thing I knew. Max caught on, but thought the new phrase was Gary's name. Whenever Max needed help, he'd cry: "Nee-homa, come here!"

Later, we learned more about Clifford and Big Bunny's lineage. It turns out that Barbara and Spencer (Nate's co-worker) are Clifford's mommy and daddy (don't tell Nate.) On occasion, Clifford has two mommies and two daddies, including Nate and Michelle. Nate, we discoverd, is always "at home making dinner," while Spencer is always "at work." As for Clifford and Big Bunny, they have two kids - a daughter named "brother-sister" and a son named - "Nee-homa."

Our cute and funny kids

Hey, I decided that it would be easier to post all of these things on a blog for our family. That way we don't have to fill up our email inboxes, and we can send our other family members here to check it out! I'll start by copying the past posts so that we have some good stories to read again.