Saturday, May 5, 2007

Kid Quotes

From Kristi:

I have a funny Xander story that just happened a few minutes ago. Jeff's dad was here and gave us some money to take the kids out to do something fun. I was telling Xander some of the fun things we could do and I said we could take you to Jungle Jim's or that Kagaroo place in Orem (a new kids place with tons of bouncy toys to jump and slide on), and Xander said, "Or you could buy me a Kangaroo!"

I have a funny one that Xan said a couple weeks ago though. One morning he woke up crying so I went in to see what was wrong. When I asked him, he said crying "I heard someone say Quack! And that maked me sad." Then he thought and cried a little more and then said "Maybe it was a duck." It was so hard for me to be understanding and console him without laughing!

From Liz:

So here are a couple that I remembered about Tori. I should warn you the second one's a bit graphic. A week ago Sunday we were sitting on one of the side benches in Sacrament meeting and Tori kept standing up on the hymn books in the holders in the bench in front of us and I kept telling her to get down. Then she started to climb up on the molding on the wall next to us looking for a spot to put her hands so she could keep climbing up. I pulled her down and told her that I think it makes Jesus happy when we sit quietly in Sacrament meeting and she grinned and said "No, Jesus wants me to climb!"

Yesterday Tori was wearing underwear in church for the first time. Tori was sitting there in Sacrament meeting kind of feeling her underwear and said excitedly to me (and not quiet enough) "Mom, there's a hole in my bum!" I immediately got out a wipe to clean her finger and she started saying (not quiet enough) "there's not poop on my finger!" over and over again, as I turned very red.

From Barb:

Here's one that Kai said today. He was helping me puree strawberries for fruit leather and as I was handing him strawberries, he was moving his hands up and down like he was juggling something invisible while he sort of chanted/sang, "spiders juggaling juggaling juggaling, spiders juggaling juggaling . . . ". (I spelled that how he pronounced it, instead of how it should be spelled) I asked him where he heard that and he said he just made it up, then he told me, "spiders juggle when no one's looking."

From Rob:

Ryan has been asking many questions recently about what things are appropriate to do on the Sabbath. My simple answer has been that we go by the guidance of the Spirit. Now he is asking me how I feel inside about various activities. Recently, after asking about biking, I told him we should seek activities that help us serve and remember the Savior. He asked, "What if we put a picture of Jesus on my bike?"

And From Me:

Okay, so this one isn't as funny for Max as it is embarassing for me. Yesterday I had a shower at my house for Cory's brother's fiancee. So I was cleaning the house all day. When I started mopping the kitchen floor, Max looked at the mop and said, "What's that, Mommy?". I know, pretty sad. What can I say? I hate mopping.

A couple of weeks ago, we told Max he could have some peaches. After a couple minutes of eating, he asked, "Where's the shiz?" (Peach-Shiz.)

Today Max was playing at the kitchen sink. He was leaning over, looking down the drain and he asked, "Is that the water treatment facility?" (A while ago he asked where the water goes after it goes down the drain and we explained the whole process to him.)

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