Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Donut Ding has another pal

Xander has an imaginary friend too. His name is zip-eh-AY-eh. He first started saying Zipehayeh when he first started learning to sing songs but didn't know the words, then in the past few months, that became his imaginary friend. As we asked him more about this friend, we found out he was a little animal the size of a fly, that flies around and comes with us whenever we go somewhere in the car. He got Zipehayeh at a Zipehayeh store (of course) which is usually somewhere in our house, and he bought one for Jeff, Cailia, and me at the store. He also scares away monsters for Xander at night when he's scared.

I already wrote about some of the jokes he likes to tell, but there's a new one that I probably can't write well enough to get the full effect, but I'll try. "A horse walks into a bar and the bar falls on his head (while bonking himself on the head with his hand) and he hurts himself... WHY THE LONG FACE!"


Michelle said...

Okay, I laughed out loud on that one! Xander is so cute.

Annette said...

So did I! This blog is great. I laugh out loud every time I read it! Even the ones I've read before.