Monday, May 7, 2007

Max's honesty

For the last couple of months, Max has been getting up early. Since Cory is usually getting ready for work, he lets Max get in the shower with him so I can sleep in a little longer. This morning though, Max was busy playing with his toys when Cory was ready to get in. When Cory asked if he wanted to get in, Max said, "No. That's not fun for me any more."


I usually sing songs to Max before he goes to bed. A couple of weeks ago I went in his room to sing him songs and he told me he didn't want me to sing, but he wanted me to "just talk." I asked him what he wanted me to talk about and he couldn't really think of anything. So I suggested Nephi. I started by saying, "Nephi was a good boy, huh Max." And he said, "Yah. He didn't scream and he didn't go pee pee in his pants." (Obviously the things Max has been struggling with.)

1 comment:

Barbara said...

so cute! Max sounds like he's growing up. :)