Friday, May 11, 2007

Xander's Nicknames

This isn't so much a funny story about Xander, as the latest list of the nicknames he has for me. He calls me Mom or Mommy from time to time, but a few months ago he started calling me Kristi (as most 2 year olds eventually try out). Then I told him my full name was Kristina, so he started calling me Kristinina (not a typo). Then one day he asked me if I was Mimi, and not knowing what he meant, I said "Yep, I'm Mimi." So now he calls me Mimi all the time too, although I still don't know what that means, and I'm not sure he does either. Then a couple days ago I guess he heard Jeff call me Babe-eh (I don't know how you would really spell that), and now he calls me that too. It's so funny to hear him yell that when he's calling for me. He's such a funny kid.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That sounds like Max! He calls Cory: "Cory" "Sweeds" "Sweetie" and sometimes "Daddy."