Saturday, May 5, 2007

Kid Quotes

Another Max story, as told by Cory:

Max and I were working in the backyard with our Chinese neighbor, "Gary." Gary doesn't speak much english, so I tried some Chinese - "Nee-How-Mah?' (how are you) was the only thing I knew. Max caught on, but thought the new phrase was Gary's name. Whenever Max needed help, he'd cry: "Nee-homa, come here!"

Later, we learned more about Clifford and Big Bunny's lineage. It turns out that Barbara and Spencer (Nate's co-worker) are Clifford's mommy and daddy (don't tell Nate.) On occasion, Clifford has two mommies and two daddies, including Nate and Michelle. Nate, we discoverd, is always "at home making dinner," while Spencer is always "at work." As for Clifford and Big Bunny, they have two kids - a daughter named "brother-sister" and a son named - "Nee-homa."

1 comment:

Barbara said...

That one was so funny, you even got Nate laughing! (It probably helped that he was included in it) Nate wants to know why he's the one at home making dinner. Barb just thinks that Max has an astute sense of irony for his age. (not to say that Spencer's never at work . . .)