Thursday, May 10, 2007

Funny Josh Quote

Today Josh, Bekah and I were in the pediatrician's office. I asked another mom in the office how old her daughter was. She responded that she was 21 months old. Then Josh asked me how old Bekah was and I told him she's 26 months old. To which he replied "Yeah, but in real life she's 2."

Another one from a while ago:
Josh and Caleb were eating muffins and Caleb started making a mess with the crumbs. I told him, "Caleb, use your head!" A few minutes later when Josh was done, I asked him if he was finished and he said "Yes, but I didn't use my head, I used my hands." joshua. (He just typed his name for fun.)


Michelle said...

Josh is such a ham! He reminds me of how I remember Caleb.

Annette said...

Gosh I miss those kids. I wish all these cute quotes were recorded! I can imagine them saying it well enough I guess. Those boys are so cute!