Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cory's attempt at sex ed.

A couple of nights ago, I was putting Max to bed and he said, “Mom, you're a nut.” I kind of laughed and said, “Yah. I'm a nut.” Then Max said, “Mommy's a nut and Daddy's a bolt.” Cory and Max had been working on our fence gate earlier that day so I guess Cory saw it as a good teaching opportunity.


Annette said...

You know he's going to repeat that at the most inopportune moment, right? Still, it's not a bad analogy :)

Barbara said...

Cory must think that by giving Max "the talk" now, he'll be off the hook when Max is older and it's much more awkward. Nate tried that when Kai was about 9 months old. I told him he's still not off the hook. :) Still, starting young and giving him the ideas gradually is a good idea.