Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Eva's greatest enemy

Eva has had a runny nose for the last few weeks and so much wiping has made her little nose very raw with open sores. We've been putting saline in her nose and wiping it every night and each time she gets more and more upset. Poor thing.

So today Joe took Eva into our room so he could rest while she watched a show (Diego and I were gone). He woke up to her saying "No!........No!........No!........No!........" then he found her on the floor pulling each tissue out of the box and shouting "No!" then throwing it in a pile on the floor. It was a brand new box, but she was so mad at those tissues she got every one of them out!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Xander slips and calls his grandpa "Bruce"

Last fall sometime, Susan and I went to dinner on a Friday night with Jeff and Kris and kids at a Village Inn near their house. We first tried an IHOP that didn't work, but when I went in to the front desk to inquire while the group waited in the foyer, Xander said to his mom, "Did Bruce go in there?"

Kristi started to laugh and said, "Did you call him Bruce?" Xander got this worried expression on his face like he had slipped and put his hand over his mouth, and said, "I mean Potts."

Eva's telephone message to grandpa

On Tuesday, November 27, at about 7:45 as I was locking up my office to get home for 8:00 scripture reading, I noticed the phone mail light on, so I took the message.

To my surprise, a sweet little voice said: "Hi... It's Eva... Call me..." After this very clear grown-up talk, she then lapsed into baby talk.

I was blown away how grown up it sounded--like a five year old (she was about 18 months at the time). I just kept laughing all the way home.

The next day I got on the phone with Annette. I thought maybe her mother had coached her, but Annette said she finally gave in when Eva kept bugging her to call Grandpa.

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's nice to be the favorite

Tonight at dinner Kai said, "Mommy, guess who I love more than anyone in the whole entire world?"
I said, "Who?"
He said, "You!"
Carter said, “and me?”
Kai said, “Yeah, and you, Carter”
Nate said, “What about me?”
Kai said, “You’re not so fun, 'cause you spank me.”

Monday, January 21, 2008

Interesting . . .

I just had an interesting conversation with Max:

Max: "Do you remember when I was a mommy and you were a kid?"
Me: "No, I don't remember that."
Max: "You couldn't cross the street--and I could. And I could drive."

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

From Liz

These guys from Questar Gas came to switch out our meter. So I unlocked the gate to let them through. They were making a lot of noise while they were doing it and Tori was looking out the front window trying to see. I showed her that she could look out the other window right above them. So she watched them then she told me "mom the one with the hat waived at me!" then a minute later she was so excited telling Danny "There are these two guys and one has a hat and one doesn't and they're handsome, Danny, they're so handsome!"

Friday, January 4, 2008

The TV Monitor

A few weeks ago I was really tired so when I put Cailia down for a nap, I turned on the tv for Xan and fell asleep on the couch. After a little while, Xander woke me up saying "Mom, I'm about to watch too much tv!"

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Carter's prayer

I was helping Carter say his prayer tonight and when he paused for my help I saw my chance to help bedtime go smoother, so I whispered to him, "Please help me to be good." So he said, "Please help Mommy to be good."