Monday, December 17, 2007

Baby Name Ideas

A couple of days ago, Kai yelled in to me from the other room where he was playing with Carter, "If we have a boy, we should name him Santa Claus. Carter wants to."
Then Carter piped in,"Yeah, liddoe baby anta cuash" (translation: "little baby Santa Claus"--with Carter lately everything that is at all small is described as "liddoe baby . . .")
Then Kai said, "And if it’s a girl we’ll just name her Mrs. Claus."
I guess that makes our job easier. :)


Michelle said...

Oh Man! Santa Claus was my boy name! That made me laugh out loud.

Missi Waldron said...

Hello all you cousins! I got Shelly's Christmas card with this blog info and I love reading about all of your cute kids! I just started doing this whole blog thing, so hopefully it will help keep us better connected! OK, I love this story about naming your child Santa or Mrs. Santa, but I have to assume, Barb, that this makes you prego??!! You, Shelly, Annette and anyone else? I love that! Sorry I am writing a novel, but it is so fun to know where to find you all (never knew you had a cousin stalker :)). Love you girls and keep in touch (

Merry Christmas!

Kristi said...

Hey Missi, I'm so glad you found us! And your blog is so cute! I added it to my favorites so I can check it often.

Barb, those would be great names for your baby! Carter's so funny. Xan says we're going to have twins next and that we should name them Xander and Cailia also. (No, Missi, I'm not pregnant yet) When I asked him how they would know which Xander or Cailia I was calling for, he said "We'll both come!" He always talks about our "other Xander and Cailia" now, as if we already have them.