Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Was His Name-O?

Driving home one day last week, at a stop light, we pulled up right next to the big truck that had delivered our Miche Bag shipment the week before. As I got close enough to see, I saw that it was the same driver too, and mentioned this to my boys.
Carter asked me, "What's his name?"
I said, "I don't know, I forgot to ask him."
Carter answered, "I think it's Bingo"

Yep, he knows the song.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Brady's True Feelings

Lately Brady has been learning to shake his head from side to side, as if he's saying "no". He was just randomly shaking his head and had Kai and Carter giggling while they were eating dinner. (I should mention, however, that it doesn't take much to make Kai and Carter giggle when they should be eating dinner, or reading scriptures, or saying prayers, or anything else they should be doing.)
As he chooses when to demonstrate this new skill, we're starting to see his developing sense of humor.
Last night I picked him up, kissed him and said, "you ready to go to bed?"--Shake shake shake.
Tonight, after he was practically mauled, as usual, by Kai and Carter giving him good-night kisses, I asked him, "Do you still love your brothers, even though they are a little crazy?"--A very enthusiastic shake shake shake.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I bought Max and Ella each a chocolate advent calendar to countdown to Christmas. This morning Max said to me, “You know what? The thing on the back told me that the very last chocolate on Christmas has a lot of fat in it.” When I said, “Oh really?” he said, “but not too much.” I hope I'm not making this poor kid paranoid.

Max has been working on some worksheets from school and he's been practicing writing his name. He told me this morning that he's been writing his name a lot at school. I told him, “And you're getting really good at it!” and he said, “Apparently almost too good.”

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Family Support

Today at church, Max bore his testimony (and did a very good job.) When he was about halfway through, Ella yelled to him, “Good Maxi-boy!”

A few weeks ago when we were taking Max to school, the moon was still up. Ella was really excited to see the moon and she kept talking about it. Then she said, “I wanna go up in the sky with the moon. I need a moon step stool.”

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Joy of Making Your Own Rules

Nate was walking outside with Carter and Carter told him about the new game he just made up. He calls it the "Super Super Bad Game." He can punch and when he races he doesn't have to say, "on your mark, get set, go"; he just goes.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, freedom!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Tonight Cory was helping Ella say a prayer and he told her to say, "Please bless Mommy and baby Sam." Ella said, "Bless Ella."

A month ago or so, I said something to Max and called him "Boot Strap" (one of his nicknames is Boot Strap Booah, his "pirate name.") Then Ella said, "Max is Boot Strap, Ella is Awesome!"

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sounds Like Crap to Me

As usual, Ella was pooping her diaper tonight. She stopped moving, became silent, and got "all teared up." Helping Ella prepare for potty training, Shell asked "Are you pooping, Ella?"


Then Max jumps in, "Really? It doesn't sound like pooping."

"Hmmm...what does pooping sound like, Max?" (Only dads ask these questions.)

"Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop."

Well, at least we know he's potty trained!