Monday, July 30, 2007

Kai the artist

Kai was drawing a picture of me and told me, "I'm making you what you were when you were my real mom, with long hair". Apparently without long hair, I'm not his real mom. :)

Friday, July 13, 2007

He sees right through me!

A couple of weeks ago Cory and I went to the temple while our neighbors watched the kids. On our way back we picked up some food from a drive-thru. While we were at our neighbors' house picking up the kids Max said, “Mom, next time stay here.” (Meaning he didn't want me to leave him.) So I said, “But Max, Mommy and Daddy wanted to go to the temple.” Then he said, “No. You went to a restaurant.” (And to think we tried to give him the old “going to the temple” line.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Xan at church

Yesterday at church, Jeff had to take Cailia to the back of the chapel because she was crying and Xander followed them back there. He started running circles around Jeff and Jeff told him he needed to be reverent. Xander asked "Is being reverent being bored?"

Then in nursery we were talking about families and one of the kids asked if he had a dad, and I told him yes, everyone in the room has a dad. Xander said, "I don't have a dad, I just have a father." Then later he said, "I'm just kidding, I do have a dad."

Another cute thing at church yesterday, Xander seems to be the little nursery stud. When we first came into Sacrament meeting, a cute little girl that lives by us saw him come in and yelled "Xander!" really excitedly, and ran up to say hi. Then in nursery, we have 2 little girls in there who both always want to play with Xander and sit by him. One of them was really flirting with him yesterday, and when her dad came to pick her up, she said bye to Xan at least 10 times. It makes me smile to see other little girls love him as much as I do. (These were the 3 girls that were at his birthday party)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Xander's Interpretation

Today I was asking Xander if he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich (without the cheese), and I thought he told me "yeah, I want a boiled cheese sandwich!" I thought it was kinda wierd that he got boiled from me saying grilled, but you never know what kids are going to hear. Then later I heard him talking about it some more, and I realized he was saying "boyd cheese sandwich", cause he thought if Cailia and I eat girld cheese sandwiches, he must eat boyd cheese sandwiches!